Inbox{phone=0740829874} if interested
The bike is powerful as new all documents available no mechanical issues am selling it to upgrade
In good condition. Automatic transmission and works well. Suitable for ladies.
Yamaha ag 125cc, used like new
Excellent American bike build for all terrains. Giving maximum adventure
Exclusive and smooth ride
Oil coiled and smooth drive
Tvs motorbike 150cc used for only 3months
Powerful bike. It has no mechanical problems.
✓Bike is as good as new ✓Engine is intact and in good condition ✓Its electric start bike
✓Bike is as good as new ✓Engine is intact ✓Its kick start ✓Only a single kick and the bike starts
As good as new. No mechanical problems
✓Engine is intact ✓Bikes is as good as new ✓Physical features intact
Well maintained bike and fuel efficient
Bike up and running used for commuting to work, new tyres, both kickstart and electric starter. Logbook available.
In good condition by and ride then have your motorbike
✓Bike is as good as new ✓Its in good condition ✓Engine working and intact ✓Documents ready for logbook transfer
✓Bike is as good as new ✓Its in good condition ✓Engine working and intact ✓Documents ready for logbook transfer
✓Bike is as good as new ✓Its in good condition ✓Engine working and intact ✓Documents ready for logbook transfer
HLX 150 in perfect condition. Accident free. Never used for bodaboda. Urgent sell.