B Since when I bought this bike I have been using shell oil the engine have never been open even once, There is no parts of a motorbike have been replaced,
The bike’s engine is perfect sold at a shop, if anything the customer can come back. The bike is 5 gears boxer 150 new model the bike was previously used by
Privately used... in crisp condition... new tyres and shocks... engine and block never opened.
Its still as new and every part working perfectly engine still intact not opened at any chance
Well maintained Brand new condition Engine intact Ready logbook Whatapp or chat only ksh98,000
Well maintained Clean new Engine intact Whatapp call only for more information
Selling this bike not used as boda boda before. First owner. Almost new. Engine not yet opened.
Buy and Ride Boxer Bm150 - KMFC .Free new battery (12V) .Bluetooth radio with 4 speakers (2 front & 2 Back) .Untouched Engine never opened .Logbook available
Perfect engine, ready logbook.New tyres, price slightly negotiable.
Boxer 150 used for private purposes rear tyre new engine have never been opened
The bike is; 1.well maintained 2.Has a very powerful engine ,its unstoppable 3.Everything functions as it was bought 4.New tires 5.Low fuel consumption 6.well
The bike has been privately used and on a very good condition and infact its probably new... engine never touched... logbook available
Much affordable motorbike with well maintained condition,clean engine unopened
Still as new ... no mechanical issues engine still intact. grab na ride